The Good, The Bad and The Lumpy

Well, it's been a while since I last posted but in between cutting things into finger shapes and cleaning the high chair I just don't have the time. Weaning is going well on the whole. We've yet to encounter a foodstuff that she won't have a go at but then again we've yet to find anything that is small enough to get her gums around that she won't have a go at. Her favourite meal given the chance would be magazines followed by junk mail and plastic bags. Why aren't there any crinkly foods? She would love that.

Since my last update we've had the first barbeque of the season which of course was Eleanor's first barbeque ever. Now you may think it's a bit risky giving a baby barbequed food with it's notoriety for being burnt on the outside and raw inside but I'm pretty smoking hot when it comes to barbequeing (no apologies for the pun whatsoever) so I was confident that it was safe for our little lovely. To be honest she was more interested in eating the salad and pitta bread than the meaty bits anyway. She loved eating out in the garden and as you can tell from the picture she was having more fun than you can shake a sausage at.

We also had a not so fun development. After eating Sunday dinner in nothing but a nappy our poor little baby developed a lumpy rash all over her chest. She'd been rubbing a Yorkshire pudding on herself and it came up in what looked like nettle stings. We still don't know exactly what caused it but it seems to be a skin reaction rather than a food allergy as it hasn't happened since despite eating the same food groups. We've had to be a bit more strict with the dress code for mealtimes since though.


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