That's my girl!

Eleanor ♥'s meat! We started last week with some chicken stir fry. She wasn't even mildly cautious just went straight in for the kill and gave the chicken strip a good suck and gum. She's since had steak and chips, Lancashire hotpot, chicken curry and the pinnacle of her baby led weaning thus far (for me anyway) was her first roast dinner on Sunday. I bottled it on giving her a whole chicken drumstick to munch on although I have seen this done on you tube and it's very impressive. I was being a bit paranoid about that tiny wee bone that you find in the leg and also that weird gristly bit you get on the end of the bone. I'm sure I'll get over it one day but not just yet. The posh organic Sunday chicken proved to be a good purchase as it was the Dolly Parton of chickens so there was plenty for a curry the next day. Again I lost my nerve and gave Eleanor what I thought was a baby friendly curry. She had the same as us but I didn't add the chillies until I'd taken her portion out. It was still packed with spice but she has a habit of rubbing her eyes at the end of a meal and chilli fingers and baby eyeballs didn't strike me as a winning combination.

Eleanor has also had some dairy in the form of soft cheese stuffed into a chicken breast. There was no noticable difference in her eczema so it looks like dairy is in the clear. We're going to give gluten a go now which I'm more worried about really as it's not something that shows in breast milk. We have to try it at some point though and I don't want to be holding back on something that's perfectly safe so onwards and upwards!


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