Vampires beware

We've had garlic two days in a row now. Yesterday's garlic hit was provided via houmous. We tried ricecakes but they were little tiny ones and whilst she could pick them up it was with a sort of arcade grabber action so once lifted she couldn't get it in her little mouth so we gave the old loaded spoons a go. Now houmous and spoon loading is a marriage made in heaven. Eleanor can not get a spoon in her mouth facing the conventional way up so you need something that's going to stick to the spoon. She loved it. There was some gagging as it was probably quite sticky in her mouth but she kept going back for more. It was definitely the messiest meal yet by a country mile. We both had to have a bath afterwards.

Tonight our little gastronaut had some garlic mushrooms. Not the weird little breadcrumby things but proper slimy mushrooms. She had a big grey oyster mushroom, a girolle and a fat slice of chestnut mushroom. When I say she "had" these, she got them in her mouth and chewed for ages but they came back out of her mouth pretty unharmed.

I've not noticed if she smells garlicy as I've had more than she has but the little ones at baby signing this morning weren't giving her a wide berth so she must still be smelling sweet which is more than I can say for her post houmous nappy!


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