What is this Baby Led Weaning that you speak of?

"What is this Baby Led Weaning that you speak of?"

I hear you cry. Well.......it's complicated but it isn't, it's simple. Where to start? The basic principle of baby led weaning is that rather than being spoon fed purees the baby is given food in handy baby fist sized pieces and they feed themselves. Gill Rapley is a former health visitor who did a study into weaning babies without purees. The evidence from the study was compelling and subsequently a book was published. I have read said book and it just made perfect sense to me. It's not a mainstream idea and you won't find many health visitors endorsing it nor are you likely to find many who have actually heard of it. Even so I'm not a lone maverick in BLW. It's been going on and quietly growing for a few years now and thanks to excellent forums such as www.babyledweaning.com the word is spreading.

Now because it sounds a bit "out there" many of you may think I've turned into a bit of a yoghurt weaver but really it's just common sense. I hope that through my blogging I can continue the enlightenment of the masses.

Peace out and Boomshanka x


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